Author: Shawn Weston

LGBT mayors around the world

Berlin mayor Klaus Wowereit On Monday, Jan. 4, Annise Parker will be sworn in as mayor of Houston. Houston will become the largest city in the world with a lesbian mayor and the second largest city with a gay or lesbian mayor....

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Karl Rove destroys his marriage

The architect of George Bush’s march to the White House and the man who engineered anti-gay marriage amendments in the name of “saving” marriage has gotten divorced. Again. Yes. His second. In the announcement,...

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Zelda Rubinstein in failing health

Zelda Rubinstein Zelda Rubinstein, best known for her role in Poltergeist, is in failing health.The 79-year-old actress and long-time gay rights activist has been in Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles for a month and has now...

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Marriage equality makes progress in Latin America

Alex Freyre and Jose Maria di Bello The first same-sex marriage took place in Argentina this week. Mexico City legalized same-sex marriage. Ecuador, Brazil and Columbia are considering how to legalize same-sex relationships...

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