Author: Shawn Weston

Congratulate me. I'm officially an unmarried partner

I received my census form today, filled it out and put it in the mail. (The census comes with a postage paid envelope so no waiting on long lines at the post office for a stamp). The census is short and easy to fill out. Several...

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More extremism from Virginia AG Cuccinelli

Rabid anti-gay attorney general Ken Cuccinelli is also a “birther.” When asked about what can be done about President Obama’s birth certificate, he said that the situation would be resolved when someone who is...

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Nepal wants LGBT honeymooners

Mount Everest in Nepal Just five years ago, gays, lesbians and transgender people were beaten in the streets in Nepal. Now, the country has a gay member of parliament, is about to write a new constitution with LGBT equality...

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Rabid anti-gay Virginia AG not giving in

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is not giving in on removing sexual orientation from the non-discrimination policies of the state universities. We reported that Cuccinelli ordered the Virginia state universities to...

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