Fayaka Dunbar Jr. has been charged with capital murder in the shooting death of popular drag entertainer Bianca Davenport Starr

Information included in the arrest warrant for the man accused of murdering a popular drag entertainer earlier this month sheds light on details of what led up to the Dec. 8 shooting that left Bianca Giselle Davenport Starr dead and another entertainer critically wounded, according to WFAA Channel 8.
Fayaka Dunbar Jr., 26, has been charged with capital murder in connection with Bianca Davenport Starr’s death. According to the arrest warrant, Dunbar had connected with Eric Watson, one of Davenport Starr’s two roommates, through the dating app Plenty of Fish. After some communication via the dating app, Dunbar — who had identified himself to Watson as “Chris” — went to the home on Rogers Avenue that Watson shared with Davenport Starr (Jason Bradley) and one other roommate.
Dunbar allegedly paid Watson for sex, according to the arrest warrant, and then pulled a gun and demanded that Watson give him the money back. Dunbar then shot Watson, according to the arrest warrant, and when Davenport Starr came into the room, Dunbar shot her, too. Dunbar then fled the house and a third roommate, who was not injured, called 9-1-1.
Bianca Davenport Starr was pronounced dead at the scene. Watson was taken by ambulance to an area hospital where he is still recovering.
Dunbar is in the Mansfield jail on a $100,000 bond.

— Tammye Nash