
Christopher Hines filming Anthony Garcia at Allred Unit

Just got home from the Allred Unit just outside of Wichita Falls. Lots more about the Logo documentary that Christopher Hines is making later.

Fascinating day.

Met a 24-year-old prisoner named Anthony Garcia, a gay man from Fort Worth, who has been in prison 5 1/2 years and has 2 1/2 to go. The charge was assault, but we know we don’t have the whole story. He claims he was attacked, but was arrested and prosecuted. Need to look up the case and get more information.

We could only speak to Anthony by phone through glass because of his level of incarceration. When he first came in, he was obviously nervous but after a few minutes, he relaxed and told his story.

A friend of Anthony’s recently committed suicide in prison. Very touching story. He lost his closest friend.

According to one guard who accompanied us, there have been a couple of suicides recently, after not having any in several years. Amazing they’re able to avoid suicide, but the guard explained that any hint of that sort of depression and the inmate gets help.

Lots more to tell, but need to research his case before writing about it.