Adult film star Dave Slick

Adult film performer Dave Slick, 26, of Scottsdale, Az., was found dead over the weekend in Chicago, according to a report by Gay Star News.

Slick, who performed with Falcon Studios and Chaturbate, was in Chicago for the Exxxotica Expo. When he didn’t show for his scheduled appearance at the expo, he was reported missing; investigators then learned he had been found dead Friday morning.

He was last seen with a friend at about 1 a.m., Friday, June 8, and spoke with a friend by phone about seven hours later. He was then found at about 11:35 a.m., “unconscious and not breathing … in a bathroom on the 100 block of West Jackson,” according to Chicago’s Daily Herald newspaper. “He was taken to Rush University Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.”

Gay Star News reported that he was found in the bathroom of a Qdoba restaurant, and quoted the Chicago Sun as saying that preliminary autopsy reports are inconclusive. Further tests are pending, and the Chicago Police Department is investigating his death.

— Tammye Nash