A couple weeks ago, Chris Moore, the President of the Stonewall Democratic Club of Greater Sacramento, sent us an update on the Assembly race between Democrat Richard Pan, a pediatrician, and Andrew Pugno, a leading homophobe who had the support of NOM. As Chris noted:

Pugno is the golden boy of the nation-wide anti marriage equality effort. His career sets him apart from your standard anti marriage equality activists and includes such highlights as: Chief of Staff to the notoriously homophobic late Senator Pete Knight, Co-Author of Proposition 8, and lead attorney for the Yes on 8 Campaign. It is no surprise that NOM is spending big to have their go-to California political operative elected to the Assembly.

NOM has spent over 2,000 to air a new television ad in which they warn that Pugno’s opponent, Richard Pan, will support the teaching of gay marriage to 2nd graders.

The good news: Pugno lost yesterday.

Congrats to Dr. Pan and kudos to the Stonewall Democratic Club of Greater Sacramento.