Hey, what ever happened to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act? You know, ENDA, the federal legislation that would prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and, hopefully, gender identity too? Well, according to this recent story, it’s unlikely Congress will take up ENDA in 2010 due to the recent loss of a filibuster-proof Democratic majority. I know, it’s a crying shame, but in the meantime, if you’re interested in learning more about the potential impacts of ENDA on employees and businesses, you might want to check out a panel discussion next week hosted by Texas Instruments in Dallas. The panel has been put together by the Human Rights Campaign’s DFW chapter and will convene at TI’s South Campus on Tuesday morning, but the deadline to RSVP is this Friday, which explains why I’m posting it now. For more info, go here.требуется копирайтер москвапродвижение сайта самара