Wil Turner

Best Workout/Safest Workout
WiL Turner, Living Well With WiL

“When faced with adverse challenges, we learn to adapt,” said Wil Turner of his work in not just maintaining but expanding his business as a fitness instructor and lifestyle coach. “This past year, we’ve all had to overcome emotional, mental and socially challenging obstacles. As an educator, lifestyle coach and fitness, health and wellness program specialist, I sympathize with those who feel stuck at a crossroad — stressed, overwhelmed, overworked, under-appreciated, anxious, alone or wanting to start a new life.

“The mission and success of Living Well with WiL and the growth of this brand is a result of the support I received from my friends, my LGBTQ family and my social media partners.”
Faced with the challenges of life in the pandemic, Turner said he shifted his focus, time and energy into creative alternative ways to provide safe, top quality services in fitness, health and wealth to this clients in a virtual setting. And that led to the creation and launch of his Live More podcast and blog page, his virtual fitness, health and wellness support group and his Living Well With WiL video channel.


Best Local Nonprofit
Resource Center

Over the last year, the folks at Resource Center have learned that “the communities we serve are incredibly resilient and supportive of each other,” according to the center’s Center’s Chief Executive Officer, Cece Cox. “Our staff didn’t always know what would lie ahead or what new turn we’d have to take, but, every step of the way, our clients, members and supporters were there to take care of us and each other.”

When the COVID-19 pandemic started shutting everything down, the center stepped up quickly to “implement new technology and safety precautions to protect the health of our community.

Volunteers continued to step up to help our Nutrition Program provide fresh, nutritious groceries and hot meals to our clients living with HIV. Our LGBTQ Health, Dental Health and Behavioral Health programs elevated their services to telemedicine so that patients could continue to receive affirming care from the comfort of their own home. Our in-person community activities switched to virtual gatherings so that social interaction and support was not lost. And our monthly Get Centered mission tours switched to a virtual platform so that we could continue to educate and inspire future supporters of the center.”

Now, as more and more people are being vaccinated against COVID and as the world begins to return to some semblance of normality, Resource Center is gearing up for a bigger and better year in 2021-22. “We can’t wait for the day we will be able to safely gather again,” Cox declared. But that doesn’t mean the center will abandon virtual activities or telemedicine altogether. “Even after we can gather in person, we will continue to provide virtual programming so that our community, wherever they are located, can access the services they need,” she said.

In fact, one of the center’s signature fundraising events, the 23rd annual Toast to Life set for May 1, will be 100 percent virtual. “This year’s theme is Venetian Carnival, and the event will include free, streamed entertainment and surprise celebrity guests, Cox said, directing folks to MyResourceCenter.org/ToastToLife for more information.

Winning the 2021 Readers Voice Award for Best Local Nonprofit is “incredibly meaningful to the center’s staff, clients and supporters, Cox said, adding that “It is validating for our community to recognize the center’s efforts to serve, especially in this last year of COVID. This recognition gives us the drive to keep up our mission of improving health, building community and providing vital advocacy for the LGBTQ and HIV communities.”


Best Place to Be Seen in A Mask
Anywhere. Everywhere. Nowhere (Stay HOME!)

Best Local Virtual Show
DJ Ronnie Bruno’s Clique
Tuesdays, 9-11 p.m.

Best Streaming Service

Best Binge-worthy Show
Schitt’s Creek
All seasons of the award-winning comedy
are available on Netflix.

Best/Safest Workout
WiL Turner, Living Well with WiL
Fitness, Health, Wellness, Lifestyle consultant

Safest Travel Option
Southwest Airlines

Best Grocery Delivery
6 a.m.-1 a.m. daily
4142 Cedar Springs Road
(and other locations in DFW)

Best Takeout & Delivery
Locura Small Bites
11 a.m.-8 p.m., Tue.-Sat.;
11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun.
839 Singleton Blvd., #150

Best Curbside Service
Dallas Public Library
10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Tue., Thu., Fri., Sat.;
noon-7 p.m. Wed.
Oak Lawn Branch:
4100 Cedar Springs Road
(and 27 other locations)

Best Outdoor Dining
Mario’s Dallas
11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Mon.-Thur.; 11 a.m.-
10 p.m. Fri.-Sat.; 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun.
4123 Cedar Springs Road