Communities Foundation of Texas and The Dallas Foundation have announced the recipients of their 2023-2024 Equity Fund Cycle Grants. In total, the two community foundations awarded $1.57M in grants to 41 nonprofit organizations in North Texas working to accelerate equity in communities that have been historically and systematically disenfranchised.

Grant funding from Communities Foundation of Texas prioritized North Texas nonprofit organizations that focus on advancing equity and building community power through civic engagement, narrative change, and/or coalition building and community organizing, according to a press release announcing the grants. Nonprofit grantees address issues ranging from environmental equity to health equity, LGBTQ rights, human and civil rights, disability rights and racial equity. These nonprofits also prioritize centering community voice in decision-making, recognizing the residents they work with as key stakeholders.

The Dallas Foundation’s Racial Equity Fund Grants invested in nonprofit organizations located in Dallas County working in the areas of housing and neighborhood infrastructure, economic empowerment, workforce development, education, civic participation and health.

The Dallas Foundation’s Racial Equity Fund is made possible through donations from NexPoint Philanthropies, the Reis-Bisor Foundation and The Dallas Foundation’s Community Impact Fund among many others.

CFT’s equity grants were made possible by the support and legacy of more than 20 charitable funds established at CFT by local individuals and families, including the Sammons Foundation Fund, the Mabel Peters Caruth Fund and the Katie Foundation Fund.

LGBTQ-related organizations receiving funding from these grants include Dallas Hope Charities and Equality Texas Foundation. The Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, which includes LGBTQ history, also received funding.

— Tammye Nash