The Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival has graciously bestowed a press pass upon yours truly.  I am so excited, but also a little overwhelmed.  I mean just look at this schedule (pdf).  Between October 15th and 24th over 150 films and shorts will be screening in concurrent sessions at two different theaters.  I think this is what is called an embarrassment of riches.

So Blend readers, I need your help!  Look over the schedule, check out the film descriptions then drop your vote in the comments as to which films you think I shouldn’t miss.  And let me know which category your recommendation falls into:

A.  Seen it, it’s a slice of heaven and you simply must not miss the chance.

B.  Haven’t seen it but it looks so compelling that I’m checking out round-trip fares to Seattle.

C.  The audience will be as much a part of the experience as the film.

D.  Ooh lala lalalalala.
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