Venton Jones

The deadline to file to run in the March 5, 2024, Democratic and Republican primaries was Dec. 11, and a number of LGBTQ candidates have filed to run for local offices.

Callie Butcher

For the Texas Legislature, Venton Jones filed to run for a second term in office, and Jessica Gonzalez filed for her fourth term. Jones represents District 10

0, which includes West Dallas, the Design District, downtown and parts of South Dallas including Fair Park. Gonzalez’s District 104 includes parts of Oak Cliff,

Cockrell Hill and parts of eastern Grand Prairie.

Both are expected to coast back into office with little or no opposition.

Julie Johnson, who served three terms in the Texas House, is one of 10 candidates who filed to run for a congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Colin Allred. Johnson leads the pack in fundraising and, if elected, she will become the first gay or lesbian elected to Congress from Texas or the South.

Jessica Gonzalez

Callie Butcher, president of the Dallas LGBTQ Bar Association, has also filed in that race and, if elected, would become the first transgender member of Congress. If she wins the primary, she will be the first trans person nominated for office by a major party in Texas.

The district includes parts of Oak Lawn and most of North Dallas. Whoever wins the primary is likely to win the election in this Democratic-leaning district.

Lupe Valdez filed to regain her old job. In 2004, she was elected Dallas County Sheriff, the first Democrat to hold that office in several decades and one of only a handful of women serving as sheriff across the country and, at the time, the only lesbian.

She was re-elected three more times but resigned to run for governor in 2018 against Gov. Greg Abbott.

Julie Johnson

She faces incumbent Sheriff Marian Brown, whom she endorsed in the 2020 race. Brown is popular among Democrats, but so is Valdez. This should be an interesting primary, but whichever woman wins is likely to be elected in blue Dallas County in November.

— David Taffet