I’ve been driving all day to Dallas, and remembered World AIDS Day just as I was pulling out on the road, so I hadn’t been able to get a more timely post up. I don’t want to forget to remind everyone today. Celebrities have decided to sacrifice one day of being digitally connected or go “digitally dead” for one day.

No, Alicia Keys is not dead.

But she is going to be “digitally dead” tomorrow, Dec. 1, for World AIDS day.

Keys, along with celebs including Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, Ryan Seacrest, Justin Timberlake, P. Diddy, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Khloe Kardashian, Jay Sean, Swizz Beatz, Serena Williams, The Buried Life, Elijah Wood, Janelle Monae, Kimberly Cole, David LaChapelle, Daphne Guinness and Bronson Pelletier will take a moment of silence and “end their digital lives” by signing off from all social networking platforms including Twitter and Facebook in solidarity for those in Africa and India affected by HIV/AIDS.

I think it is a really nice and unique gesture by them to add awareness.

Personally, I have lost a lot of good friends to AIDS, and I know our readers have as well. Two of my dearest friends, a loving couple, died when the cocktails were not available and I often think of them, and deeply miss the two bright lights that were extinguished in their early twenties. So many in my generation were wiped out during those years when there was no effective treatment whatsoever. Here is to all the memories I treasure of you, Tim Rondeau and David Robinson! I love and miss you both. Who would you like to remember on World AIDS Day?