There’s a certain formula to famous actresses shooting lesbian scenes in Hollywood movie — some tee-hee coy kisses, the curtains billow, one lady moans and rolls her eyes to the ceiling — and then the camera discreetly pulls away.

Writer-director Darren Aronofsky ("The Wrestler") is promising the exact opposite for his upcoming feature film "Black Swan," which will feature Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis having what several sources have described as hungry, aggressive, Ecstasy-induced sex.

The film tells the story of a literal gaggle of ballerinas in a New York City dance company, duking it out for the lead role in "Swan Lake."

Will it be about lesbians or about hetero women performing sexually for straight men? Who knows.

But this is Hollywood we’re talking about here. So keep your hopes in check when "Black Swan" grand jetés its way into theaters in 2010.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 28, 2009.
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