Both the Dallas and Fort Worth zoos have animal ‘adoptio’n programs that contribute to animal upkeep

DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer
Pamper-your-Pet-logo-(News)You can’t take your newly-adopted animal home or name it, because the animals already have names, and your home probably isn’t equipped to house them. But you can “adopt” some pretty exotic critters through your local zoo.
Both Dallas Zoo and Fort Worth Zoo have animal adoption programs that allow patrons to “adopt” an animal to help defray the cost of feeding and caring for that animal for a year. And both zoos hope you’ll consider supporting one or more of their animals.
Dallas Zoo
Adhama and Boipelo are available for adoption at the Dallas Zoo. The hippo couple that met just before their new habitat opened are madly in love, and Dallas Zoo would love for fans to adopt them.
Dallas Zoo’s $50 Adopt-An-Animal special includes a personalized adoption certificate, a zookeeper’s report, a small plush hippo and a special invitation to an event at the zoo. Best of all, you’ll also have the comfort of knowing you helped give some of Dallas’ newest and largest residents a warm welcome by supporting their care.
On its website, Dallas Zoo lists the annual fees for adopting various of its animal residents. A Bolivian Grey Titi Monkey or a Rock Hyrax are available for a $25 adoption fee. Among the $50 animals are a meerkat, a mongoose or a golden lion tamarin. Just $100 will get you an impala or an ocelot. More expensive is a giraffe for $1,500 or an elephant for $2,000.
Lots of other animals at Dallas Zoo need adopting too, and annual fees range from $25 to $2,000. For instance, here’s a perfect way of saying I love you: adopt a Somali wild ass for just $500.
To adopt an animal at Dallas Zoo, go to and navigate to the Adopt an Animal under Support the Zoo.
Fort Worth Zoo
The Fort Worth Zoo’s adoption package is available online at
Adoption packages begin at $25 and run through $500. Animals currently in need of adoption include lions and tiger and a hippopotamus. Unlike Dallas Zoo’s adoptions, animals may be shared by multiple adopters, so portions of larger animals may be purchased for lower prices.
If adopting as a gift, a card will be sent to the recipient along with your personalized message.
The Fort Worth Zoo spends more than $1 million a year feeding its residents. The adoptions help defray the cost of food for one animal for one year.
The $40 adoption package includes a plush animal, a color photo of the adopted animal, a fact sheet about the animal and an animal carrier box.
A $75 Dive In and Adopt All the Coolest Animals Around package includes four plush animals — an alligator, clown fish, river otter and sea turtle — as well as a Big Squirt water toy, beach bucket and adoption certificate and information sheets.
Special packages are available for Fort Worth Zoo’s babies — Gus, a gorilla, and Belle and Bowie, baby elephants.
Adoptions may also be done by phone at 817-759-7372.
This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition July 14, 2017.