1. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan (above) is straight, and disgraced former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer actually might know, since he presumably tried to get in Kagan’s pants at some point when they were friends at Princeton. But are statements like the following enough to put to rest all the rumors about Kagan’s sexual orientation? “I’ve known her for most of her adult life and I know she’s straight,” said Sarah Walzer, Kagan’s roommate in law school and a close friend since then. “She dated men when we were in law school, we talked about men — who in our class was cute, who she would like to date, all of those things. She definitely dated when she was in D.C. after law school, when she was in Chicago – and she just didn’t find the right person.” More at Politico.
2. The effort to repeal “don’t ask don’t tell” in 2010 isn’t dead yet. Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said yesterday he’ll include the repeal in this year’s Defense Authorization bill if there are enough votes to support it, regardless of opposition from Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Levin noted that if the legislative repeal goes forward this year, it wouldn’t take effect until after a Department of Defense review is finished in December. “What we ought to do is repeal it but make the effective date after the report,” Levin said. More at Talking Points.
3. The George “Rentboy” Rekers scandal keeps getting worse for Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, who hired Rekers in 2007 as an expert witness to testify in support of the state’s gay adoption ban. The Miami Herald reports today that Rekers’ fee for testifying was actually doubled, meaning the state paid him a whopping total of $120,693 after he exceeded his contracted hours. Needless to say this left Rekers with plenty of cash for male prostitutes, and my only regret is that Texas AG Greg Abbott never hired him. Also yesterday, Rekers stepped down from the board of the ex-gay organization NARTH. More on that at Joe.My.God. siteэтапы поисковой оптимизации