I know, it’s a scary thought. But Patti Fink, president of the Dallas Gay and Lesbian Alliance, sent me over this link yesterday. It’s real simple, just enter your name to find out what your name would be if Sarah Palin were your mother. Palin’s five kids are named Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow and Piper. Fink’s name would be Spine Breeder Palin. Mine would be Bullpen Cola Palin. But you get different names depending on whether you type in just a first name or a first and last name, so the rule is you get to choose between the two. If you type in John for John McCain, you get Stick Freedom Palin. George for George Bush gets you Crunk Petrol Palin. Barack gets you Mangle Blue Palin, and Jesus would be Axe Diesel Palin. What would your name be?siteраскрутка москва поисковое продвижение сайта