State Rep. Eric Johnson

After weeks of hearings on nonsense legislation designed to turn sheriffs from Texas’ major cities into criminals (the sanctuary cities bill) and turn us all into potty police (the bathroom bills) and prove that Republicans believe in local control, except when they don’t (a whole bunch of bills), a committee of the Texas House of Representatives is going to hear an employment nondiscrimination bill and a gender parity pay bill.
They may not all be happy about it, but they’re going to hear it.
Both bills are sponsored by state Rep. Eric Johnson of Dallas.
On Monday, May 1, Johnson will appear before the House Committee on Business and Industry to discuss HB 225 to prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and to discuss HB 290 to prohibit pay discrimination for comparable work based on gender. HB 290 would also prohibit an employer from requiring an applicant to provide their salary history.
The hearing begins at 10 a.m. in room E2.016 in the Capitol.