
Crazy of the week: Wisc. Republican Congressional candidate Karen Mueller


U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman set July 16 as a deadline to file briefs involving Louisiana’s same-sex marriage ban. The same judge heard arguments last week about recognizing out-of-state marriages and said he was not comfortable ruling on such a narrow issue. He hasn’t set a date to hear the full challenge to the marriage ban or said if he will even hear additional arguments.


Three counties in Colorado continue to issue marriage licenses after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Utah’s marriage ban. Although the court put a stay on its ruling, the stay specified Utah. County clerks in Colorado, which is also in the 10th Circuit, said the ruling applies to them and the stay does not.

Colorado State Senator Jesse Ulibarri and his partner Louis Trujillo were among the couples who got married last week in Boulder county.

State Attorney General John Suthers said the licenses are invalid and that the Utah decision does not apply to Colorado.


Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who is running for the office again this fall, filed an amicus brief supporting marriage equality in a challenge to his state’s marriage ban. Crist is running as a Democrat.

In his last term in office, he served as a Republican and did little to advance LGBT rights. He supported the Federal Marriage Amendment to put the ban on same-sex marriage in the U.S. Constitution. As rumors spread that Crist was gay, he got married at age 50.


The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals put a stay on a lower court’s ruling that allowed same-sex marriages to begin in the state.

Hundreds of couples married between Tuesday’s ruling and Friday’s stay. While the attorney general said those couples are in legal limbo, their marriages will be recognized by the federal government.

Lambda Legal filed papers with the 7th Circuit to go ahead and recognize the marriage of Niki Quasney and Amy Sandler. Quasney is battling Stage IV ovarian cancer. The trial court granted relief to the couple but the attorney general appealed. The emergency relief granted by the court is no longer in effect since the appeals court’s stay went into effect.

Crazy of the week

Wisconsin Republican Congressional candidate Karen Mueller said on the campaign trail same-sex marriage will lead to “the legalization of marriage between siblings.”

Mueller said that if a same-sex couple can marry, any two people would eventually be able to tie the knot and that the state ban does not actually discriminate against LGBT couples.

Where do they come up with this crap? Must be something going on in her own head and Dallas Voice warns her brothers and sisters to beware.