When I got the formal press release for “Violet,” the show scheduled to open next week at WaterTower Theatre in Addison, it appeared that the production dates — and number of scheduled performances — were different than I expect.
Today came word from Terry Martin, WTT’s gay artistic director, that this is all part of a cost-savings plan instituted by the non-profit theater. In addition to going from a four-week (22 performance) production schedule to three weeks (17 performances), WTT is replacing its upcoming production of “Our Town” (a cast of 20 or more) with the smaller “Glass Menagerie.” And the planned “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying” — a seldom revived but dandy show — is being replaced with a musical-to-be-named-later.
Economy’s hurting us all.
Just remember: 13 days from now, we’ll have a new president… and hopefully a new economic outlook.game mobiпродвижение юридической фирмы