Jennifer Gellar

A 51-year-old transgender woman has moved into an all-girls dormitory at Southwest Texas Junior College in Uvalde, prompting concerns from other residents who say they’re scared of her.
“It’s not even about the gender. It’s that he’s built like a man, so he’s automatically going to be stronger than us,” one of the residents told Fox 29 in San Antonio.
The residents question why the trans woman, Jennifer Gellar, is living in the dorms at all given that she has a home in Uvalde. One girl also reportedly accused Gellar of harassment last year.
Gellar says she the harassment claim was the result of a misunderstanding over a class project. She says she moved into the all-girls dorm because she’s terrified of men but wanted to get used to dorm life before transferring to Texas Woman’s University in Denton.
The school says it’s investigating.
Watch the video report here.
UPDATE: Minutes after we posted this, ABC 12 reported that Gellar’s request to live in the all-girls dorm had been denied by the school. School officials also say Gellar will be restricted to men’s restrooms on campus. Gellar says she has no problem with the dorm decision but believes the restroom restriction may be a violation of her rights, and she plans to circulate a petition.