walmart-tranny-granny-costumeWalmart and Amazon were selling a Halloween costume called ‘tranny granny’ until Bil Browning, editor of LGBTQ Nation, posted it on his website.
For $24.99, here’s what you get, according to an ad for the item on a web retailer still displaying the costume:

  • Includes Dress, Head Scarf, Butt and Boobs
  • Broom, Stockings, Slippers, Cigarette and Glasses Not Included

Neither Walmart nor Amazon were selling the costume directly. Instead, a third party vendor posted the item on the store’s websites.
In response, Walmart told Browning, “While it’s listed on other sites, it clearly violates our policy and was quickly removed once we were notified. We’re appalled this seller put it on our site to begin with.”
Walmart added gender identity protection for employees in 2011. Its LGBT employee resource group marched in this year’s Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade. And like Target, it doesn’t care which bathroom its transgender customers choose to pee in.