Over at TheLineOfDeparture.com, “Military.com’s news and national policy journal,” Jamie McIntyre has posted a column arguing that President Obama is the wrong person at whom to direct criticism regarding the delay in lifting the military’s anti-gay “Don’t ask, don’t tell policy.”
The president, McIntyre notes, doesn’t have the power to repeal the ban. That power lies with Congress, and that’s where the LGBT community should be directing the pressure — and the anger:
“Do you think if was just a simple matter of picking up the phone, and ordering up a new law, the president would hesitate to deliver on his belief that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” doesn’t make sense? Congress will have hearings on the issue next month, but don’t look for quick action. Many members — lacking the courage of their convictions — are waiting for political cover in the form of a clearer signal from the Pentagon. Don’t hold your breath.”
Sounds like sound advice to me, but here’s the part where you, the reader, come in. There is a poll attached to the column asking if DADT should be repealed and what President Obama should do — or not do. Right now, “Don’t ask, don’t tell should remain the law of the land” is leading with 73 percent of the 1,657 votes cast so far.
Have your say. Go vote. And remember, you can only vote once. Make it count.как узнать свой тиц