This historic morning, President Obama signed into law the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” This is 17 years in the making, and it’s about time. Soon, gay and lesbian service members will be able to wake up and go to work without the fear of getting fired for their sexual orientation. The stain on American ideals is gone, forever.

In speaking before a massive crowd of repeal supporters, including many troops discharged under the law, the President thanked both Democrats and Republicans who voted for repeal, putting “conviction ahead of politics.” He also made clear that in his discussions with the service chiefs all of whom agreed to implement the new policy “swiftly and efficiently.”

Although HRC continues to warn service members that repeal is not effective immediately, this no doubt is the best holiday gift for our gay, lesbian and bisexual troops.  Congratulations and happy holidays

Human Rights Campaign | HRC Back Story