Brian Moylan posted this slightly funny, but oh-so true guide for all the straight people who must hang out at gay bars. I agree with him that we enjoy having them there for the most part, but yeah, there are unsaid rules that the Vice contributor pretty much said out loud. Especially this one that reminded me of all the bridal parties I saw one night in the Rose Room. Although Moylan approaches it from a different perspective. From

No Girls Allowed

Ladies, we don’t mind going to your bachelorette parties, because we love and support you as friends even if we find it a little insulting (and genitally incorrect) that you keep calling us “one of the girls.” However, if we don’t know you, we have no interest in being at your party. That means keep them out of gay bars. We know you want to look at strippers, but you have to find somewhere for women to do it. Go to Chippendales or Thunder from Down Under or some strip night called Danglers that’s meant just for you ladies. Do not show up at a gay go-go bar and screech and squeal and push all the other patrons out of the way so you can drunkenly slip a $20 in a tiny sliver of spandex stuck up a plump, oiled backside. To you it might be one night of misbehaving, but this is our life. Please respect that, and take your high-decibel revelry somewhere that will cater to your “big day.”

‘Nuff said. Now I’m deciding whether to go down the gay rabbit hole when I saw the link to this story: Gays or girls: Who ‘s better at giving head?