The Uptown burglars, shown in the security footage relased by police above, have hit more than 30 homes now and the Oak Lawn Crime Watch is on high alert. After the jump read what Watch President Nancy Weinberger wrote about them in the minutes from last week’s meeting. Plus get a description of the two and a list of locations where they have hit.
From Weinberger:
” We had an extensive discussion of the recent rash of burglaries in
Central and Northwest…drilling very small holes in the doors directly
above the deadbolt locks. There apparently are several persons now
committing these break-ins which are happening mostly at night but have also
occurred during the day. They are usually occurring when people are known
to be gone for lengthy periods of time but not always. Lt. Overstreet
actually drew us a picture to explain how the locks are being compromised.
It hasn’t typically been happening to doorknob locks as opposed to
deadbolts. It can happen to inexpensive and expensive lock sets. A
sheath-like protective “wrap” above the lock should prevent the break-in.
The mechanism of the deadbolt appears pretty easy to manipulate to me.
Central officers have met with several of the larger complexes in the Uptown
area and additional security measures have been put in place. It is
extremely important for tenants and residents to start being more aware of
what is going on around them. All of these break-ins are happening when
there are neighbors right next door and they are totally unaware of what is
going on. The really good news is that the police have gotten some video
surveillance photos and are developing a pretty good description of at least
one of the burglars.”
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