UPDATE, Thursday, Nov. 17, 4:09 p.m.: This statement was just released by the Dallas Police Department: “On Wednesday, November 16, 2016, the Dallas Voice made the Dallas Police Department aware that a derogatory flyer was placed on the windshield of a vehicle in the 3200 block of Fitzhugh Avenue on Saturday, November 12, 2016.  The Dallas Voice has since updated its publication, reporting this incident appears to be a hoax. The Dallas Police Department takes these matters very seriously and will continue to follow up on leads.  No person has come forth and stated he or she found the flyer, however, the department will continue to investigate the incident to determine if an offense occurred.”
On Wednesday, Nov. 16, we posted this blog about a threatening flyer allegedly found on a car outside BJ’sl NXS on Tuesday night. We later updated that original post to note that information passed on later on Wednesday evening indicates the flyer was reportedly found on Saturday evening and appeared to be targeting on specific individual.
flyer-2Today, Dallas Voice has received information suggesting that the flyer is a complete hoax, and that evidence supporting that conclusion has been passed along to police who are investigating the situation. According to information given to Dallas Voice today (Thursday, Nov. 17), an image found on an “alt-left” website shows the same flyer with the headline, “Welcome to Trump’s America.” Beneath that, is the claim that, “This hateful and threatening noted accompanied a burning cross in the yard of a gay friend in Texas at 4AM, 11/16/2016.”
That claim very clearly contradicts what Dallas Voice was told about when and where this flyer was found.
To those who have questioned the ethics of Dallas Voice, read the original blog again and you will see that we very clearly stated we had not verified the authenticity but were choosing to blog about the flyer because there was a threat of violence to LGBT people. We stand by that decision.
We also noted that we would continue to look into and report on the story. We immediately passed the flyer along to police, as have others. We updated this story as soon as we got new information and will continue to update as more information becomes available.