Rep. Vicky Hartzler

The U.S. House of Representatives voted down an amendment that would have taken away medically necessary health care for transgender service members and military dependents. Proposed by Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Missouri, the amendment would have barred access to transition-related health care — including critically important care such as hormone therapy — for service members and military family members.
The amendment was defeated by a vote of 214 to 209.
“Congresswoman Hartzler’s attempt to strip healthcare from service members and their families in a time of war was unpatriotic, unconstitutional, and just plain vile, we are pleased to see that the House of Representatives voted down this amendment” said OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Matt Thorn.
“This was a horrifying, vicious attack on service members and military family members, and our families were beside themselves in fear,” said American Military Partner Association President Ashley Broadway-Mack. “It would have been beyond unconscionable to rip away the critically important health care of transgender military family members and service members — care that their doctors believe is medically necessary — and would have severely harmed thousands of military families and undermine military readiness. We are incredibly grateful to the members of Congress who stood up and stopped this assault on our military families.”