Looks like there’s plenty of excitement down at the Sheraton Dallas for the first day of Creating Change, including this killer game of Rocks, Paper, Scissors that was posted by “fiercenyc”.
Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it to the conference today, but intrepid staff writer David Taffet is en route downtown as we speak. In the meantime, I thought I might point you to the Creating Change Twitter feed, where you can find plenty more gems like these:
Screen shot 2010-02-03 at 1.45.13 PM
We’ll of course be posting updates here on Instant Tea throughout the conference, which runs through Sunday. There’s also a blog on the Creating Change Web site. For those who are reading this from the conference, you can follow the Voice and this blog on Twitter @DallasVoice.
UPDATE: Shortly after I posted this, I received a press release from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force noting that in addition to Twitter,  you can follow the conference on Facebook and Flickr.
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