Community support helps congregation cope


JAMES RUSSELL  |  Staff Writer
An accidental fire at Trinity Metropolitan Community Church in Grand Prairie following the church’s Sunday, Dec. 13 service may not have damaged much, but it caused a lot of problems for the LGBT-affirming church ahead of a busy Christmas season.
According to the Rev. Curtis Smith, who has served as senior pastor of the church for the past 14 years, a candle inadvertently left lit caused the fire. Only a display table and surrounding furnishings in the leased space were damaged, and fortunately, no one was in the building at the time.
Congregants may be temporarily displaced, but the damage has not prevented them from worshiping, however. On Sunday, Dec. 20, they gathered in their building’s parking lot, meeting at 11 a.m., the normal time, just like any other Sunday.
On Christmas Eve, the church met again in the parking lot for midnight services.
Insurance will cover the structural damage and loss of the furnishings. But the church still has to cover the deductible and other incidentals.
“We are so blessed that a witness, reported seeing the flames through our glass front doors and that the Grand Prairie Fire Department responded so swiftly and appropriately,” Smith said in a statement.
He estimates clean up and repairs will cost between $15,000-$20,000. The church is currently taking donations for its building fund to cover those costs.
Smith said the community has been gracious in supporting the church, with both the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce and the local municipal airport giving the congregation support and space during the clean-up.
“Trinity MCC has faced other tough moments in our 32 year history, and God always provides through the faithfulness of our people and our community,” Smith said.
In the mid-1990s, Smith said, the ceiling collapsed and water severely damaged the facility. They also had to sell their building due to cost overruns.
But each time the church has rebounded.
“It’s a tough time for the church. But we’re resilient,” Smith said.
“It is important we continue focusing on doing our acts of love and good deeds, and not give up meeting together, but encourage one another all the more as we wait for return of Jesus or the slow process of restoration whichever comes first,” Smith said, paraphrasing the church’s favorite scripture, Hebrews 10:24-25. “We covet your prayers and would love to have you join us in worship soon.”
For updates check the church website at
Schedule: The church meets 11 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 27at Mixed Up Burgers at the Grand Prairie Municipal Airport, 3116 South Great Southwest Pkwy, Grand Prairie. The church meets on Sunday, Jan. 3 at 11 a.m. at the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce Board Room, 900 Conover Dr., Grand Prairie.