By David Webb Staff Writer

Gregg Kilhoffer

Future of men’s club uncertain, later move around corner possible

Caven Enterprises officials this week confirmed the rumors on the street the Throckmorton Mining Company will close on Jan. 13, and the building will be renovated for occupancy by Sue Ellen’s.

“We are responding to market forces in making this change,” said Gregg Kilhoffer, president of the entertainment company in a statement. … “[Sue Ellen’s] guests deserve a newer, bigger space with newer technologies.”

Sue Ellen’s will continue to operate in its current location on Cedar Springs Road until it relocates to the renovated site on Throckmorton Street in the second quarter of 2008.

The Throckmorton Mining Co. may be reopened at that time in the current Sue Ellen’s location, Kilhoffer said.

“We think our TMC guests would be better served in a more intimate space that resembles what was best about the old TMC,” Kilhoffer said.

The Throckmorton Mining Co. has operated in its current site for 28 years. Prior to its opening, the location operated in the early 1970s as The Candy Store, a lesbian bar, and as Swamp Trash, a gay men’s bar.

The location was originally a small neighborhood bar before being renovated to two stories.


This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 21, 2007. dota-v.ruбесплатная раскрутка сайта в поисковых системах