The minute Janice Dickinson left “America’s Next Top Model,” the show jumped the shark. It’s not completely Tyra’s fault — it’s the 11th season, and the format is tired.
But this season, 22-year-old transgender contesteant Isis Tsunami, above, from New York City should get some kind of Emmy nod. The two-hour season premiere that aired earlier this week was incredible. Those little bitches were so ugly to Isis — just because she has a Y chromosome. Why are some women are so transphobic? So far, Isis handled their mean, catty behavior like a true photogenic diva!
But the other contestants are so hateful, Isis could eventually crack.   This season, I’ll tune in —  only to watch Isis.
Of the dozen or so contestants, Isis has a few supporters. But most of the girls are freaked out. One nasty contestant, Clark (who looks like Ann Coulter), said she would “stomp that man.”
In the first photo-shoot challenge, Isis placed second  So it looks like she really knows how to pose and work a camera. Good luck, Isis.
New episodes air Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on The CW.vzlomal.ruбесплатные рекламные объявления