This year Dallas Voice marks 25 years as a LGBT media company. The satisfaction in looking back at how far we, and the community we serve, have progressed is enormous. Knowing where we have come from is important, and this year has been a time of looking back, including celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in June.

Now with summer over and the final months of 2009 in view, it’s time to look ahead. With this issue of Dallas Voice we do just that.

Whether you are holding the print edition in your hands or scrolling through this item on a computer screen, you are reading the next step in the evolution of Dallas Voice as a media company.

This week our print product gets an extreme makeover. From the top of the front page sporting our new logo, through each page, the changes are both obvious and subtle.

First you will notice that the size has been modified to allow us to run each week in what the industry refers to as a stitched and trimmed format. One of the lessons we learned in executing our 25th anniversary issue is that this format offers a more tailored look and feel. Readers liked having the whole paper stapled so that it is one unit.

THEN & NOW I The look of the Dallas Voice print edition changes with this issue from our "old" look, top, to this bolder, fresher style, bottom.

For the editorial staff, the art department and advertisers, the ability to "bleed" graphic elements off the page is an extremely useful tool in modernizing the look of the content. And so we have included that design option in our new format.

The re-design of the Dallas Voice print product was done to give readers as much information as possible as quickly as possible.

You will find that some of your favorite editorial sections have been moved. Viewpoints has been expanded to two pages and will host the popular Speak Out Poll, including the current week’s question and the prior week’s results. Query, our version of "ask a reader," has been re-introduced as a part Viewpoints.

The ratings system in Life+Style for movies, theater and dining has been changed from a mix of letter grades and star ratings to a uniform star system. The Life+Style information boxes have been simplified and will be pulled between columns when possible to make them easier to find.

The Scene photo page has been opened up graphically to make it easier on the eye and easier to read.

While the print re-design was moving along and launched all at once, content and design have been continually evolving this year.

The download function for the .pdf version of Dallas Voice has been moved to the top of the homepage to make it easy to find. Now readers can add their voices online to all news and Life+Style stories, as well as the Instant Tea blog. You can follow us on Twitter. Join our Facebook fan page. Get continuous updates on breaking stories via our subscriber e-blast.

It’s a time of change for Dallas Voice and in our world. We are evolving to keep you in touch with your evolving community.

I hope you like the changes we have made in our products. If you have comments or suggestions, please send them along.

Above all, we want to be Your Voice.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 4, 2009.

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