Each spring, the Dallas Tavern Guild and the Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau sponsors a “press junket” for LGBT travel writers to come to Dallas as a way to promote the Metroplex as a destination for LGBT tourism. This year, seven writers from around the world — London, Paris, Mexico City, Germany as well as Chicago and Nashville in the U.S. — participated.
Each year, Dallas Voice participates by sponsoring a reception or some such sort of event. This year, thanks to the hard work and generosity of Ken Kizer with the Dallas Cowboys organization and Voice marketing manager Kris Martin and, of course, Voice publisher/owner Robert Moore, the Voice was able to sponsor a tour of the new Dallas Cowboys stadium in Arlington. And I got to tag along.
Folks, let me tell you what, that place is A-MAZ-ZING!!!
I think that Daniel Rojas, the man with the Cowboys who conducted the tour for us, said that they have set five or six, at least, different world records in building the stadium. It is the largest stadium in the NFL. So big, I read, that the Statute of Liberty would fit inside, as would American Airlines Center.
The scoreboard is HUGE! They said it stretches from 20 yard line to 20 yard line. We got to see inside one of the suites, and the players’ locker room and the assistant coaches locker room. There was just so much to see and so much info to take in, I can’t even begin to retell it all here.
But they have always said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are a few thousand words’ worth for you:

From the walkway at the top of the second deck of seats, near the end zone, looking down toward the other end zone

From the walkway at the top of the second deck of seats, near the end zone, looking down toward the other end zone

Some of the journalists on the tour look down at the field

Some of the journalists on the tour look down at the field

Walking toward the field through the tunnel the players will use to enter and exit the field

Walking toward the field through the tunnel the players will use to enter and exit the field

Douglas Mayo with Next Phase Media in London, left, Robert Moore, center, and DTG Executive Director Michael Doughman during the tour

Douglas Mayo with Next Phase Media in London, left, Robert Moore, center, and DTG Executive Director Michael Doughman during the tour

A view ofd the massive scoreboard. Look at the scaffolding underneath. Realize those are stairs going from the field to the scoreboard. Realize that each flight of stairs is maybe 20 feet high. Does that give you an idea of the scale of this scoreboard?!

A view ofd the massive scoreboard. Look at the scaffolding underneath. Realize those are stairs going from the field to the scoreboard. Realize that each flight of stairs is maybe 20 feet high. Does that give you an idea of the scale of this scoreboard?!

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