Here’s a quote from openly gay screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, who was just nominated for an Oscar for his script to “Milk:”

When I first heard Harvey’s story at 13, I was a closeted kid living in a conservative Mormon, military home. It was a rough time for me. Hearing Harvey’s story not only gave me the hope he talked so often about, it very likely saved my life. What happened this morning means this film will win a wider audience, and maybe, just maybe Harvey’s message will reach some of those kids out there today who have been told they are ‘less than,’ that they are sick, that God does not love them, and perhaps, from the grave, 30 years later, Harvey might give those kids the hope and love he gave me so long ago. It might sound overblown to some, but I firmly believe these nominations are life-saving. I can’t thank the Academy enough. 

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