While DFW’s LGBT community gets ready to protest for a third consecutive weekend over the joint TABC/Fort Worth PD raid on June 28 at the Rainbow Lounge and tries to figure out just what happened Friday night when TABC shut down Dallas Eagle, out in El Paso the LGBT community is up in arms, too.
A group of five people have said they were thrown out of a Chico Taco restaurant about 12:30 a.m. on June 29 after two men in the group kissed. They said the security guard at the restaurant called them a name and called cops who threatened to arrest them for violating the Texas sodomy law, which by the way was overturned six years ago.
According to the El Paso Times, the security company has said the group included eight people who came in intoxicated and were acting up and dancing around like ballerinas and were asked to leave because they were being disruptive.
The El Paso police chief has released a statement saying there had been “an incorrect recitation of the law,” that the department “recognizes the negative impact discrimination can have on a community” and that the police chief reqires “that all employees of the police department maintain a level of competence that keeps them abreast of the current laws and requirements of the law enforcement profession.”
He added: “Failure to maintain such will result in appropriate discipline.”mobi onlineпоисковое seo раскрутка сайта