This October, HRC’s Workplace Project put out the Ninth Annual Corporate Equality Index, a survey that assesses American workplaces on LGBT workplace policies and practices. For the first time this year, all Fortune 500 companies, including those that did not voluntarily participate, were scored on their workplace practices.

The CEI has helped lead a sea-change in the workplaces practices of corporate America by assessing the efficacy of more than 40 specific policies and practices covering nearly every aspect of employment for LGBT workers from nondiscrimination protections and the training surrounding those protections to domestic partnership and pension benefits to gender transition guidelines and supplier diversity.  Corporate America continues to break new ground in their workplace protections and benefits for LGBT people.

On November 10th, Fast Company Magazine, one of the technology industry’s premier publications, introduced a new way to see the CEI. Below is a snapshot, but take a look here to see how the Index was made into a visual masterpiece. The magazine made the CEI their Infographic of the day.

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