Word comes today that conservative attorney — and former Solicitor General under President Bush — Theodore Olson has teamed up with Democratic attorney David Boies to file suit in the federal court in San Francisco challenging Proposition 8 on the basis that the amendment violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and due process.
All the previous challenges were in state court and were based on the California Constitution.
Olson told the Associated Press that he and Boies “wanted to be a symbol of the fact that this not a conservative or a liberal issue. We want to send a signal that this is an important constitutional issue involving equal rights for all Americans.”
This happens on the same day that a coalition of LGBT advocacy groups sent out a statement warning that more lawsuits on the gay marriage issue could be more harmful than helpful right now.
I guess we have to wait and see what happens.digital агентствофирмы по продвижению сайтов