
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

Did you think that the fact Dan Patrick and his right-wing cadre of bigots were unable to get their anti-transgender bathroom bills passed in the Texas Legislature last year — when the GOP had a stranglehold on the state House and Senate — in neither regular session nor the special session meant that the bathroom bills were dead?
Did you think that the obvious swing away from the extreme right we’ve seen happening across the country, even here in Texas, since the debacle of the 2016 presidential election — like, say, Trump’s historically low approval ratings and Roy Moore’s loss in Mississippi and more — might convince even Dan Patrick and his Texas Taliban that bigotry isn’t a good look on anyone these days?
Well, if you did, guess what. You were wrong. Want proof? Look no further than the 11 propositions that are on the ballot in the Republican Primary tomorrow (Tuesday, March 6). This is from the Texas GOP website:

“Here is the full list of ballot propositions submitted by the SREC for inclusion on the 2018 Republican General Primary Election ballot:
• Texas should replace the property tax system with an appropriate consumption tax equivalent. Yes/No
• No governmental entity should ever construct or fund construction of toll roads without voter approval. Yes/No
• Republicans in the Texas House should select their Speaker nominee by secret ballot in a binding caucus without Democrat influence. Yes/No
• Texas should require employers to screen new hires through the free E-Verify system to protect jobs for legal workers. Yes/No
• Texas families should be empowered to choose from public, private, charter, or homeschool options for their children’s education, using tax credits or exemptions without government constraints or intrusion. Yes/No
• Texas should protect the privacy and safety of women and children in spaces such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers in all Texas schools and government buildings. Yes/No
• I believe abortion should be abolished in Texas. Yes/No

• Vote fraud should be a felony in Texas to help ensure fair elections. Yes/No
• Texas demands that Congress completely repeal Obamacare. Yes/No
• To slow the growth of property taxes, yearly revenue increases should be capped at 4%, with increases in excess of 4% requiring voter approval. Yes/No
• Tax dollars should not be used to fund the building of stadiums for professional or semi-professional sports teams. Yes/No”

— Tammye Nash