State Rep. Terri Hodge in Dallas' gay Pride parade last year. (John Wright/Dallas Voice)
State Rep. Terri Hodge in Dallas’ gay Pride parade last year. (John Wright/Dallas Voice)

State Rep. Terri Hodge, the longtime representative for District 100 and longtime ally of the LGBT community, has just announced that she has reached an agreement with the U.S. Attorney General’s Office to plead guilty to one criminal charge of making a false statement by failing to report income on her personal income tax returns.
As a result, Hodge said, she is also withdrawing from the race for the Democratic nomination for re-election to the Texas House.
Read the full text of her statement after the jump.


(Dallas, Texas) Today, State Representative Terri Hodge released the following statement regarding the closing of her reelection campaign:

“I am sad to inform you that as of today I will end my campaign for the Democratic nomination for State Representative of the 100th Legislative District of Texas.

“I have reached an agreement with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas whereby I will enter a plea of guilty to one criminal charge alleging that I made false statements by failing to report income on my personal tax returns.  I freely admit that I violated the federal income tax laws in this regard, and I am prepared and willing to accept the consequences of my actions.

“As a result of my guilty plea to a criminal tax violation, I will not be able to continue to serve in the Texas House of Representatives.  Therefore, I cannot in good conscience continue to seek reelection and I believe that the only appropriate action for me to take is to immediately terminate all of my campaign activities.  I will immediately begin the process of closing the affairs of my district office in an orderly manner, and will resign my seat in the Texas House of Representatives effective at the time I am sentenced by the court.

“I want to take this opportunity to express my remorse to my colleagues in the Legislature, my friends, and my family for my actions. Most of all, I want to apologize to all the citizens of District 100 for letting them down.  It has been an honor to serve you for these last 14 years and I am truly sorry that my actions will prevent me from providing a voice for you in the Legislature.  My prayer is that my successor will stand up and fight for the people of our District in the future.

“Because of the ongoing legal proceedings in my case, I will not make any further public statement concerning this matter until the Court has assessed my sentence.  I ask that the press respect my request that my family and I not be contacted for any further statement concerning this matter.”

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