VOICE OF PRIDE: Takei becomes Sirius announcer.

The first voice listeners heard on Howard Stern’s debut on Sirius satellite radio was newly out actor George Takei, famous for his Mr. Sulu role on “Star Trek.” The radio host and Takei struck up an unusual friendship during Stern’s terrestrial days. Takei officially came out in October 2005, but Stern listeners were hardly surprised. For the past two years, Stern had playfully teased Takei about his seemingly hoity-toity and persnickety ways. Takei, who has very distinct voice for radio, will act as Stern’s official announcer.

For the first week, Stern said Takei will broadcast live from the studio. From there, Takei will be heard presumably on pre-recorded bits. Takei displayed a good sense of humor as Stern probed him about his recent coming out. They engaged in frank discussions about sex, which didn’t seem to throw the 68-year-old actor.

Live on Sirius from 7 a.m.-noon on Channels Howard 100 and Howard 101. droidolom.comкак посмотреть индексацию сайта