Tag: gay rights movement

Final proof of inequities still to fight

Pioneering gay rights activist Frank Kameny died without enough money to pay for his burial Back in the dark ages when I was a teenager, I distinctly remember a conversation my father and mother had after dinner one night. Dad...

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LGBT history and the evolution of the media

For years, mainstream press ignored the LGBT community. Thankfully, LGBT media filled the gaps Editor’s note: October is National Gay History Month, and as the month begins, Rare Reporter columnist David Webb takes a look at the...

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Gay-rights foes try to play the victim

Anti-LGBT groups now claim they’re the ones being bullied DAVID CRARY  |  Associated Press NEW YORK — As the gay-rights movement advances, there is increasing evidence of an intriguing role reversal: Today, it is the...

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Get your freak on

VIRTUALLY NORMAL | Xavier (James McAvoy, top) and Magneto (Michael Fassbender) team up to fight a common enemy in the smart, savvy prequel ‘X-Men: First Class.’ Mutants-as-metaphors? The pro-gay message is unmistakable in...

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