We received a statement from Carolyn Beck, spokeswoman for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, on Friday evening. The statement, which is reprinted below, says that TABC’s internal investigation into whether the raid violated TABC’s policies and procedures is now complete. But before being released, the investigation report must be reviewed by the agency’s General Counsel. This review is under way, and the report may be released as early as next week.
However, the report will not address the question of whether TABC used excessive force during the raid, or whether its agents were responsible for the injuries to Chad Gibson. That’s because TABC has apparently undertaken a separate “use of force” investigation. Beck said she can’t give a firm estimate on when the use of force investigation will be complete.
The Fort Worth Police Department is also conducting two separate internal investigations into the Rainbow Lounge incident, with those expected to be complete by mid-August. The U.S. Attorney’s Office has agreed to review the investigations, but the Fort Worth City Council has asked federal authorities to conduct an investigation of their own. We have no word on whether the U.S. Attorney’s Office plans to do so.
Here’s the full statement from Beck dated Friday, July 31:
“I’ve gotten several calls today asking about the status of the internal affairs investigation into the Rainbow Lounge incident. I wanted to let you and your readers know that (today) the investigator has finished the report which addresses the issue of whether there were policy and procedural violations. However, as per agency policy, the report is not considered “complete” until it is reviewed by the agency’s General Counsel.
“We expect that review to be complete next week. At that time, we intend to issue a press release with a summary of the findings, and the entire investigation report will be released through the Public Information Act process.
“A separate investigation into the use of force is ongoing, and I don’t have a firm estimate on when it will be complete.”

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