
Twelve candidates or their surrogates from six Dallas City Council races will appear at Resource Center Dallas on Saturday as they vie for endorsements from Stonewall Democrats.

Everyone is invited to attend the candidate screening sessions, but only those who have been members of Stonewall Democrats for more than 30 days may vote on the endorsement recommendations, which will be ratified at the group’s next general meeting on March 19.

Opening remarks and instructions begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, and candidates will appear by district. Oak Cliff-area races will be covered in the morning, with Oak Lawn-area races in the afternoon.

Stonewall political chair Jeff Strater is organizing the screenings. He said each candidate will be given three minutes to make a statement and then members can ask questions for seven minutes.

Under Stonewall’s bylaws, the organization may endorse only Democrats, even though the races are nonpartisan.

Of the seven people running in District 14, five have predominantly Republican voting histories, according to Strater. Phillip Kingston signed a pledge affiliating with the Democratic Party to qualify for the Stonewall endorsement. Bobby Abtahi’s most recent voting is in Democratic primaries, which qualifies him without signing a pledge, Strater said. Only Jim Rogers has a record of voting exclusively in Democratic primaries.

The full schedule for Saturday’s screenings is below.

District 1 at 10:20 a.m.

Scott Griggs
Delia Jasso

District 6 at 11 a.m.

Monica Alonzo
Sixto Raymond Salinas

District 5 at 11 a.m.

Jesse Diaz

District 3 at 11 a.m.

Michael Connally
Claudia Meyer

Lunch break at noon.

District 14 12:30 p.m.

Bobby Abtahi
Angela Hunt (for Phillip Kingston)
Jim Rogers

District 2 at 2 p.m.

Adam Medrano
Herschel Weisfeld