Malcolm Gets turns 48 on Friday. The openly gay actor, best known for his role on the sitcom Caroline in the City, has an extensive stage background (including a Tony Award nomination) and has appeared in gay films like Adam & Steve.


CAPRICORN  Dec 21–Jan 20
You don’t have to bend over backwards for anyone. For the next month or so, what you really need to do is make time for yourself, and keep your mind focused on what you want your vision to look like in a year or two.

AQUARIUS  Jan 21–Feb 20
For some reason, as much as you are overwhelmed, the part of you that is too proud to show any sign of weakness is carrying you on its shoulders through one of the biggest tests you’ll ever face. The end is in sight.

PISCES  Feb 21–Mar 20
Outside of your missionary spirit there are bound to be issues with unusual characters or loved ones who have you convinced that they are the exception to every rule. You would be wise to stop giving their idiosyncrasies more space than you give your own.

ARIES  Mar 21–Apr 20
This is the biggest change point of your life. To be too timid or too stuck or too angry about the things that aren’t working won’t do much but hold you back and keep you from reinventing your life.

TAURUS  Apr 21–May 20
At times like this, we often get slammed with our biggest tests. Proceed with caution — going too far with anything will see you recouping, regrouping and recanting a few statements before the year is out.

GEMINI  May 21–Jun 20
If you can manage to keep the parasitic types from draining your battery, the picture looks so good. Think twice before you say “yes” to anyone or anything that doesn’t serve your immediate interests. Put as much time and energy as you want into what’s already going, but forget about taking on anything new.

CANCER  Jun 21–Jul 20
Your biggest weaknesses are sentiment, attachment and a need structure with roots that have to be back-filled with more security than the average bear. Right now, you’d do better to realize that all of your attachments are getting in the way.

LEO  Jul 21–Aug 20
It looks like you’re coming up on the need to redefine yourself within your relationship and within your connection to the outer world in general — because you’ve moved on — and so much has changed in the last six or seven years, you can’t keep moving forward until you take stock of where you are now.

VIRGO  Aug 21–Sep 20
When life gets this tense, you’ve got to be able to wait things out and disengage from your perfection trips just enough to remember that even this is absolutely perfect.

LIBRA  Sep 21–Oct 20
You are either feeling really good about being out of the woods or having a tough time waiting for the best part of life to arrive. Keep moving ahead with an open heart. Focus on the here and now, and stop trying to run the world.

SCORPIO  Oct 21–Nov 20
What you decide to do is your business. Be wise to the idea that others have an agenda and take notice of the gap between what they preach and what they practice.

SAGITTARIUS  Nov 21–Dec 20
If and when you are able to live up to the pressure from others and your own expectations, you will see that you can’t keep taking care of more than your share. Start focusing on your own life for a change.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 28, 2012.