Stephen Moyer turns 43 on Thursday. The British-born actor plays a 200-year-old bisexual vampire on the sexy HBO series True Blood. In 2010, he married his co-star, Anna Paquin, who has herself admitted to being bisexual.



Venus in Virgo and Mercury in Scorpio are in a long sextile now aspecting Pluto and Uranus, bringing shrewd insight to social and political problems. Pay close attention to the details of how things work if you really want to change them.


LIBRA  Sep 23-Oct 22
The solution to your relationship problems is not in the bedroom. There are other kinds of creative play that can help you understand each other better. What? That’s the creative part.

SCORPIO  Oct 23-Nov 21
Your mouth is liable to get you into trouble, especially at work. Keep your mind away from low amusements and gossip. If you can’t say anything nice, learn to say it in a different language.

SAGITTARIUS  Nov 22-Dec 20
You may chafe at authority, but take the long view and see how you can use to your advantage. Fun-loving friends who urge you to do crazy things are more than fun-loving and less than friends.

CAPRICORN  Dec 21-Jan 19
Don’t beat yourself up for trouble with friends. You can work on solutions, find better friends or prefer quality to quantity. Perspectives. Be willing to give in order to get.

AQUARIUS  Jan 20-Feb 18
Don’t let new responsibilities tempt you to spending sprees, or into taking yourself too seriously! Someone who sees you naked on a regular basis will help you keep things in proportion.

PISCES  Feb 19-Mar 19
The strength of your roots and history shouldn’t protect you from challenges, but help you adapt to them. When you’re juggling too much take time out to meditate. Reach out to friends.

ARIES  Mar 20-Apr 19
If you get it into your head to try something new at work, consult with someone first. It will help you look like a better team player and could save you trouble. They might even improve your idea.

TAURUS  Apr 20-May 20
Looking creatively at ideas can wake up some inner demons. Your partner will help you dispel those old monsters, but it may take a lot of discussion. Discuss your fears, but also your hopes.

GEMINI  May 21-Jun 20
Check into your family health history. Some community work can help you find new purpose in your life and make connections. If you’re already there, work on better connections.

CANCER  Jun 21-Jul 22
Worrying about your position in your family can make you sick. Don’t worry — if feeling neglected, remember the phone works both ways. Focus on work, pace yourself, breathe, relax.

LEO  Jul 23-Aug 22
Your playful impulses can be too enthusiastic and misunderstood. Think before speaking. The planets are conspiring to make a great fool of you. You can handle that, but stay alert.

VIRGO  Aug 23-Sep 22
Your partner needs a good listener now — not just conversationally, but on other levels. That could lead to novel fun in the bedroom, but be very aware of safety issues that might come up.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 5, 2012.