lumley-404_682126cBy Jack Fertig


Joanna Lumley turns 66 on Tuesday. The British actress attained gay icon status with her role as the perpetually snobbish Patsy Stone from the series Absolutely Fabulous. She revived the character with a trilogy of special 20th anniversary episodes airing through 2012. Rumor has it that she and co-star Jennifer Saunders will appear in a film version of the show in the near future.



Mercury conjoining Eris triggers battles of wits and verbal one-upmanship. That can easily lead to silly arguments. Fortunately, Venus is in Gemini sextile to both, bringing charm and affection to help keep it to playful banter.


TAURUS  Apr 20-May 20
Yes, you are fabulous, but true fabulosity speaks for itself. Pushing too hard is easy but it only reveals your own doubts. That nagging voice inside says you need to pay attention.

GEMINI  May 21-Jun 20
Trying to be a shining light among your friends generates more heat than light. Give it a rest and be your sweet self. Your partner’s criticism is worth listening to.

CANCER  Jun 21-Jul 22
Sharp awareness of the financial future easily degenerates into useless worry. Your problems aren’t that bad. If you can’t take positive steps at least focus on constructive ideas.

LEO  Jul 23-Aug 22
Normally you love attention, but now you are feeling conspicuous and disconnected. Feeling unsettled makes you argumentative. Relax. Do what you do best and let your work speak for itself.

VIRGO  Aug 23-Sep 22
Talking filth with your sweetie could get you slapped, but is it a good slap or a bad one? Getting kinky invigorates a relationship, but be clear on limits. Harder and heavier does not equal better.

LIBRA  Sep 23-Oct 22
Yes,  a doctor should look at that. Building a partnership includes hard work and hard conversations. If your mate is coming off as too competitive ask yourself what you’re doing to provoke that.

SCORPIO  Oct 23-Nov 21
Discuss problems gently with others concerned. Don’t insist. If your baby’s best attribute is sexiness you need to grow up and move on, but not necessarily today.

SAGITTARIUS  Nov 22-Dec 20
Collaborative efforts shine, but require effort. Share your best ideas and credit enthusiastically. Promoting your own creative efforts is OK, too, but better if your partner does that for you.

CAPRICORN  Dec 21-Jan 19
Get wild and crazy. You need a release. Focusing that energy into a creative project is best, but don’t let that hang you up. Anything short of an extreme sport will loosen you up.

AQUARIUS  Jan 20-Feb 18
Your wicked mouth is a superpower. Will you use it for self-indulgent entertainment or for the public good? Bitchy wit needs a victim, but focus on celebrities and politicians, not friends.

PISCES  Feb 19-Mar 19
Don’t let financial news throw you into a tizzy. You find solutions. Know who’s on your side and who you can confide in. Sudden inspirations aren’t reliable, but can point you to ideas that are.

ARIES  Mar 20-Apr 19
You may think you’re a silver-tongued wit, but you are likelier making yourself a motor-mouthed annoyance. Write down what you have to say and think about it carefully before you say it.

Jack Fertig can be reached at 415-864-8302 or

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 27, 2012