David Ogden Stiers turns 70 on Halloween. Best known as the erudite surgeon Charles Emerson Winchester on MASH, Stiers has also been a regular in Woody Allen films and animation voices. In 2009, he came out as gay — allegedly, to improve his dating life.


SCORPIO  Oct 21–Nov 20
You can’t be expected to carry on if every fiber of your being wants to be elsewhere. Something else is calling your name and the bigger part of you wants to rise up and meet it. There are other things floating around that have to do with how much you’ve invested in doing everything correctly.

SAGITTARIUS  Nov 21–Dec 20
You would feel better about everything if you could get others to listen. You see, sense and know everything that’s going on, and yet no one pays attention to your well meant advice. What to do next doesn’t need to be decided now.

CAPRICORN Dec 21–Jan 20
Life would be so much easier if you didn’t feel like you weren’t the only one on the planet who could take care of things. Let yourself off the hook and let everyone else find the strength to fix themselves.

AQUARIUS  Jan 21–Feb 20
You have gone out of your way, so far above and beyond the call of duty, it’s hard to figure out why the need to keep proving yourself is so out of control. There’s a lot riding on this, but if you fall flat, it wasn’t meant to be.

PISCES  Feb 21–Mar 20
Change is in the wind. You’re not sure what it means but you sense that something is about to inject a little novelty and excitement into your life. For the longest time there’s been enough of the same old thing and a little too much certainty.

ARIES  Mar 21–Apr 20
You keep skirting issues; you’re avoiding whatever you can’t confront. For someone whose warrior spirit is always there when you need it, at the moment you’re having a tough time coming up with the strength to look yourself in the eye.

TAURUS  Apr 21–May 20
By the time you read this you’ll feel a whole lot better about why things went the way they did. Sometimes we get caught in the crossfire of other people and their stuff.

GEMINI  May 21­–Jun 20
Enough is on the line for you to be feeling a little tense. I get the feeling many of you are ready to snap. It comes down to knowing whether to quit or keep going. No one can tell you what to do, so it’s best to go with what works.

CANCER  Jun 21­–Jul 20
You have much to be thankful for. In the midst of one change after another, take the time to look at what is going right. Things that have been so hard to define for the past couple of years are now looking more like what you were dreaming of.

LEO  Jul 21–Aug 20
Finding a way to be part of your life without sacrificing all of yourself is the trick of the ages. There is no answer for what you’re going through. If you have someone who’s there for you, you are lucky.

VIRGO  Aug 21–­Sep 20
Step back and give everything enough room to show you what it can do. People in your life need to be left to their own devices as well. For one reason or another “space” has become an issue; someone needs a little more of it than usual.

LIBRA  Sep 21­–Oct 20
The way things are going you’d do well to let everyone do what’s expedient. There’s no way you’re going to get them to live up to your need for attention when life is making it very obvious that a number of things are more important than you.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 26, 2012.