By Jack Fertig


Sam Jones turns 58 on Monday. The star of the campy 1980 film Flash Gordon was the object of many gay-boy lusts — a reputation parodied this summer in the hit comedy Ted.



Aspects between Sun, Venus and Pluto warn that efforts to charm and unite may be manipulative. Mars aligning with Saturn in Libra challenges us to examine the hard work and truth of relationships.


LEO  Jul 23-Aug 22
Fumbling, confused seductions can work out well. Keep your sense of humor and don’t get thrown off your game. At work maintain some humility and listen more than you speak.

VIRGO  Aug 23-Sep 22
You’re probably worrying too much about your job. Ignore rumors and be as productive as you can. Sexual experimentation can work off the tension.

LIBRA  Sep 23-Oct 22
Consolidating your authority can mean shifting alliances. Try to make new friends without alienating older ones. The less you like advice from your partner, the more you should listen to it.

SCORPIO  Oct 23-Nov 21
Worrying too much about the competition will just undermine your work and your mental health. Simply do your best and take enough time to rest so that you can do your best. Stay focused.

SAGITTARIUS  Nov 22-Dec 20
Rather than speaking out on issues that matter to you, try researching them. Take time out to focus on you. In your earliest memories, what do you remember your parents wanting of you?

CAPRICORN  Dec 21-Jan 19
Pressure to succeed can be overwhelming. Remember to relax; think ahead. Does sex really get you more in balance or is it a distraction that undermines your efforts? Some time off might help. Your partner should understand. Breathe. Think. Prioritize.

AQUARIUS  Jan 20-Feb 18
Everyone wants an argument so you should be in heaven, but where is your feistiness coming from — an eagerness to play, or some deep-seated worries? You have nothing to prove.

PISCES  Feb 19-Mar 19
Sexual frustration could push you to ask yourself hard questions about your habits and your priorities. Don’t blame others. Assess your needs and priorities and look at changes, perhaps big ones, you need to make.

ARIES  Mar 20-Apr 19
Try to be gentle with your partner — you’re on the same team. If resentments come up, look at your own underlying worries. A playful slap at authority will be taken much harder than intended.

TAURUS  Apr 20-May 20
Sweetness and charm can be powerful and revolutionary; infiltration and subversion are more effective than a frontal attack. Seduce people to your side. Be ready to improvise.

GEMINI  May 21-Jun 20
Setting limits is necessary, but will probably anger some people. A conciliatory tone may be necessary, but don’t let that open the door to compromise. You can be firm and gentle.

CANCER  Jun 21-Jul 22
New financial ventures can prove successful, but don’t trust anything that doesn’t promise a lot of hard work. Nothing will come easily. Your mate’s criticism is more trustworthy than praise.

Jack Fertig can be reached at 415-864-8302 or

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 10, 2012.