CELEBRITY BIRTHDAY220px-John_Barrowman_2

John Barrowman turns 48 on Tuesday. The out Scottish-American actor, well-known in Britain for his musical theater career, has been a crossover star in the U.S., thanks to his leading role on the BBCA series Torchwood. In 2006, he married his partner, Scott Gill.


PISCES: Feb 21—Mar 20
Your current situation has you torn between what works for you and what works for everyone else. You wish you could get them all to see things your way, but they aren’t looking with the same pair of eyes, and their lessons are different than yours.

ARIES: Mar 21—Apr 20
You have enough to keep you busy for a while. It would be great if you could loosen up enough to make it fun. Too much internal pressure, too much responsibility and a dose of guilt pile the weight of the past, which isn’t working for you.

TAURUS: Apr 21—May 20
Your ties to the past keep you stuck in a place that disallows any chance to make room for something new to enter. Old ghosts, old beliefs — both issues keep you in a holding pattern. The need to hang on is understandable, but only up to a point.

GEMINI: May 21—Jun 20
Keeping your ducks in a row would be easier if you didn’t have so many of them. The fact that they keep stepping out of line will be your main issue for the next few weeks. Without making it sound too complicated, now is the time to take a look at how you’re going to get all of this done.

CANCER: Jun 21—Jul 20
The weight of a lot of things rests on your head. Other matters keep requiring you to deal with whatever’s on the bottom line; that would include, the bottom of the barrel and any issue that relates to mistakes or errors in judgment.

LEO: Jul 21—Aug 20
The next time you decide to give it all away, save a little something for yourself. This theme is cropping up everywhere. Between what you’re doing financially and what you’re dispensing emotionally, before you know it you’ll be wasting away.

VIRGO: Aug 21—Sep 20
You’re sure that you know everything. On a lot of levels this appears to be true, but there’s so much to be said for what other people have to share with you. Of late, your mind has become closed to everything but what you are willing to see or hear.

LIBRA: Sep 21—Oct 20
Faith is the key to everything. Yours is subject to doubts that arise when life starts heading for a fall. More than most other signs, your expectations are sugar-coated with visions that don’t correspond to the way things go 50 percent of the time.

SCORPIO: Oct 21—Nov 20
Keep reminding yourself that there’s no need to make any of this more serious than it needs to be. It’s great to take care of business, but you forget that you’ve got to leave room for yourself. The next few weeks will see you working your ass off.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov 21—Dec 20
You have family issues and beliefs that take precedence over the things that make your life work. It’s great to be so in touch with your roots, but you’re putting too much faith in values that have no bearing on you or the way you want to live your life.

CAPRICORN: Dec 21—Jan 20
This is what having your cake and eating it too feels like: You are either on top of the world or at odds with it. Since you can’t tell which end you’re on, themes of waking up have many of you seeing what needs to happen next in a whole new light.

AQUARIUS: Jan 21—Feb 20
Everything is easier if you can look at it objectively. Others have twisted things up in a way that confuses you. The need to talk things over can make things worse when the person you’re talking to is this so good at turning everything into its opposite.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 8, 2013.