By Tammye Nash Senior Editor

5 questions with Joe Pacetti


Joe Pacetti is an independent jeweler with more than 30 years experience. But he is perhaps as well known for his charity work as for his work as a jeweler. He helped found the Dallas Chapter of the Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS, and currently works with the Hot Meals Program at The Resource Center of Dallas. He has also been involved with a wide range of other organizations around the world, including the Turtle Creek Chorale, MCC’s Hope House, the Boys Town of Italy (for which he received the Croce d’ Oro Maltese cross), the P.A.W.S. Ball, the annual Celebrity Waiter event, AIDS Services of Dallas’ No Tie Dinner, Bryan’s House, the American Red Cross, AIDS Project LA and many, many more.

What made you decide to be a jeweler?
As a small child I was always fascinated by the intrigue and mystique of the various stones I would see people wearing. I wanted to learn more about them, own them, sell them, and wear them!

Is there one particular piece of jewelry that is your favorite?
My favorite piece that I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase and resell was an important 18th Century large cross of 11 old mine-cut Golconda diamonds set in a silver-topped-over-gold setting on a long neck chain. Diamonds from this mine have not been mined in over 100 years and are exceptionally white in color and extremely rare. They ranged from two to six carats each.

You are involved in tons of charity work. What draws you to a cause or an organization?
Many times it is the person, or client, requesting help for their favorite charity. Many times, it is a feeling I get when I hear about the people who benefit from a gift. Often it is being able to see the financial gift actually "at work."

What first made you get involved in AIDS advocacy work?
I feel blessed to be healthy. Over the past 25 years, I have lost several friends to AIDS. I feel my gifts can bless others who are afflicted with this dreadful disease. Together, we all need to give, whether it be a financial gift, a gift of time or a gift knowledge.

What do you want to do that you haven’t done yet?
I would like to be in the position financially one day to be able to live comfortably and devote even more time to philanthropic endeavors.

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 17, rpg mobileконтекстная реклама в москве